Roof Cleaning

We help restore the look of your roof with our cleaning services. Our services include removal of loose debris like sticks and leaves, removing the moss growing into the hard to reach places, and power washing to get algae stains.

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Loose Debris

Wether it is leaves, needles, sticks, or branches, they will eventually run down to your gutters or work their way under your shingles and cause issues. Blowing these off your roof is the quickest way to protect your roof and home.

More Stubborn

Moss and algae grows easily in the Pacific Northwest. It can be unsightly and leave streaks and stains. If left untreated it can lift shingles and cause leaks and rot your roof. Moss removal requires physical scraping, and is followed up with a chemical treatment to safely kill the remaining moss.

Power Washing

Not all roof types can be power washed, but it can be the best way to make your roof look like new, and remove all the build up of moss, algae, and other debris. If you have a tile or metal roof blasting away all the years of grime is the best option.

Protects Your Roof

Besides looking nice, removing the moss, algae, and other debris helps extend the life of your roof. Moss and algae will grow into your roofing materials, weakening or lifting them and allowing water to seep through your roof and in to your house, which can cause thousands of dollars of water damage damage or mold growth.
We also do preventative work to prevent moss and algae from growing back for up to 5 years.

Maintenance Schedule

The loose debris should be blown off every year, to prevent issues with your gutters. But moss and algae growth removal and treatment can be done every 3-5 years. In our climate it is best to get the moss and algae in the springtime, and the loose debris in the fall.

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