Roof Repair

There are lots of causes for a damaged roof, from high wind lifting shingles, branches rubbing against your roof, and age of your roof. If you have signs of water coming into your inside, it's not too late. You don't always need to replace your entire roof if a small repair can fix the leak. 

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Loose Shingles or Tiles

Damage due to winds, moss growth, or branches rubbing against your roof can cause your shingles to shift, lift, or break. It is important to repair damaged shingles or tiles to make sure your roof performs properly and doesn't leak.

Gutters Problems

If your gutters haven't been cleaned for a while the extra weight from standing water and debris can pull the gutter away from fascia boards. If water starts to rot those boards, the gutters will eventually fall off. Down spouts can also come loose over time.

Water inside

A leak in your ceiling can be hard to track down, as it can drip down the inside of your roof, down a beam, and puddle up on the drywall. We can inspect your roof and track down the source of the leak. You'll want this fixed before your ceiling collapses, or your light fixtures fill with water.

Keep Your Roof Working

With being constantly exposed to nature, there are a few things that can damage your roof, and that damage can affect you and your home in different ways. We don't offer full re-roofing services, but a lot of minor roof repair is quick and inexpensive.

Cost Effective

You don't always need to replace your entire roof when there is a leak. Sometimes you just need to replace sealant, fix flashing, or set shingles back in place. No need to replace everything. Roof replacement is expensive, while roof repair can be inexpensive and fast.

Energy Efficiency

An air leak in the roof can prevent your attic from regulating air temperature and working properly. This could cost hundreds of dollars in energy bills.

Health Hazards

If water is coming in through your roof, you might experience mold or mildew which can affect many peoples respiratory system. Some of it can be very toxic.

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